Hi, it's Chau Vu

A software engineer and UI/UX researcher from somewhere in between Los Angeles and Hanoi, exploring ways to create meaningful technologies by blending my technical skills with my love for user-centered design. Pursuing B.A. in Mathematics & Computer Science at Pomona College ('26).

A Product Inclusion & Equity Scholar @ Google, I've built & shipped full-stack sign language learning apps for the deaf community, developed computer graphics techniques for AR/VR softwares & 3D simulations in game engines for machine learning models, and designed UI/UX in most of the above projects.

A hearty welcome ♡,

Linkedin | Github

Work Projects

My work experience in software engineering and product design:

Research Research

My academic research endeavours in UI/UX design for personal tracking technologies, and in artificial intelligence simulations for game engines using Unreal Engine and Python:

  • Understanding Parents' Need with Baby Tracking Apps: A Window to Temporality in Personal Informatics Technologies

    Julianne Louie*, Tara Mukund*, Chau Vu* , Daniel Epstein, and Alexandra Papoutsaki. (*co-authors)
    In submission to Proceedings of the 2025 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems. (CHI ‘25)

    From conducting 20 hours of interviews and thematically analyzing 2400 data rows, we proposed a design framework to support short-term needs in personal tracking technologies.
    PDF Poster Ver.
  • Creating Dynamic Simulation Environments With Unreal Engine 5.

    Daisy Abbott, Anjali Nuggehalli, Francisco Morales Puente, Chau Vu, Ella Zhu, and Anthony J. Clark.
    In Southern California Robotics Symposium. (SCR ‘23)

Honors & Awards

Google Product Inclusive & Equity Summit Winner (2023)

Selected among 60 student leaders to attend the first Google Product Inclusion & Equity Summit, where I led, brainstormed, and presented with other scholars on Google tech initiatives & design methodologies aimed at creating inclusive and equitable products for marginalized communities.

Rockoff Foundation Research Fellowship for Undergraduate students (2023)

Awarded the Rockoff Foundation Research Fellowship, I co-host the symposium "History of Assistive Technologies" under Professor Angelina Chin, Pomona History Department.


Other selected awards:

Google Conference Scholarship (2023) - scholarship covering full cost to Grace Hopper Conference (2023)

Computing Research Association (CRA) Mentorship Program Scholar (2023)

Pomona International Scholarship (the highest scholarship covering the full cost of Pomona undergraduate program)


Languages: Java; Python; C#, C++; JavaScript; HTML; CSS; Ruby (Rails); Haskell

Technologies: Web development (ReactJS, NodeJS, MongoDB, Django); Azure; XR development (Unity); Postgres; Pytorch (FastAI); Git

UX/UI Research: User Persona; Thematic analysis; Surveys; Interviews; Field Studies; Qualitative Research; User Flow; App Flow; Prototyping (Figma); Adobe Photoshop